7-8 seconds is all the time an online store has to hook a visitor. And what if the product is small? What if they are vaguely photographed? What if it is poorly visible against the background? There can be many such “ifs” until you use the services of a professional object photographer. It is especially important for the brands that sell jewelry, because their purchase is an emotional process, associated with the person to whom the gift is intended. And here every little detail is important. This is why a flawless catalog shot is a key factor for the owners of retail Web sites where the visitors cannot touch or try jewelry pieces.

What are the main problems?

It’s not even the abundance of online stores, no. It’s the fact that the products must catch on, so that the buyer will choose your brand. An effective solution to this problem is the use of studio-quality images. This should be a priority for every jeweler using an e-commerce platform.

But fine jewelry is difficult to photograph because of the fine details and shiny surfaces. Of course, retailers may be tempted to take quick pictures of the jewelry themselves in order not to spend money on an advertising photo shoot. But there was no way out! The presence of a smartphone does not make a jewelry photographer a specialist. It is the lack of experience and knowledge that comes into play. Therefore, as a result, the images do not attract customers, but, on the contrary, repel them.

However, the photographing of jewelry requires special techniques that will reveal their potential and accentuate their luxury. Otherwise, blurry and indistinct pictures will arouse fears of potential customers: what if the goods really have flaws and look ugly in reality? According to statistics, 41% of customers think so. Therefore, it is important for them to make sure that the images of small elements are of super quality.

What factors influence the quality?

There are quite a few types of jewelry with their own features and characteristics. In addition to their unique merits, they also have specific problems that show up in photographs.

  • Necklace. The size, color, texture of the material and how it looks around the neck are important to it. The subject photographer achieves a “wow” effect by taking detailed pictures of the smallest details, including the clasp and clasp.
  • Ring. It’s incredibly difficult for a commercial photo shoot, as it’s very small in size. The abundance of facets and intricate details can lead to blurry elements in the background. This means that the product must be completely in focus, which is difficult to achieve for a non-professional.
  • Earrings. In this case the problem arises because of the length, because not every stand can show the true size of the item, especially if the earrings are massive and dangling. The use of a live model helps. So the object photographer makes it possible to see the real scale of the exquisite product. And he knows how to correctly place not only tiny pussets but also bulky earrings-lusters.
  • Pearls. The brilliance of this beautiful gift of nature is impossible to convey in an ordinary image. Here you need to laboriously adjust the lighting and choose the angle so as not to face another problem – too much glare. Like the rings, pearls get more volume with a soft shadow.

What are some common mistakes?

It is easy to make a mistake during a catalog photo shoot, as the pieces are incredibly small. The result is pitiable – poor quality photos, wasted time, and money that flew out of your hands. Well, the situation will be saved by knowing exactly how to avoid mistakes. And there are many of them.

  • Bad light. And it can be not only in the form of a lack of light, but also in the form of its overabundance. After all, shadows and highlights are equally detrimental to the quality of the subject photographs. Light should make the jewelry look three-dimensional and shiny, not flat and dull.
  • Distracting background. It can only be neutral. White is better. This will highlight small details and effectively emphasize the sophistication of the jewelry. It will also add clarity and light to the photo.
  • Uncontrolled glare. If a non-professional takes the job, the play of light in such subject photos can turn into a defect. Hence, you should control the reflections and reflections of stones, which usually have a lot of facets.

There is one more common mistake. It is connected with the photographer himself. For example, if you have all the professional equipment, qualification and experience of any other type of photography, do not take the subject photo session. Even the most expensive cameras and the coolest software will not hide your lack of skills. Only photographers who specialize in advertising photography of luxury jewelry will help jewelry online stores.